Differences between the Z6 & Z6II each with latest firmware

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Good afternoon,

I am not far off from purchasing my dream lens (Z 600TC) But the caveat is that I am going to need to buy an interim solution when it comes to the body, not ideal but there we are. I will eventually buy a Z9, probably used, but until that juncture, a few questions on the differences between the two variants in the thread title from anyone who has had hands on experience.

1- Is the updated refresh/blackout in the EVF worth thinking about the Z6II?
2 - Is the AF any different in either
3 - I can live with a few less FPS for now, or can i?
4 - Benefits of the updated Expeed processor?

And any thoughts and comments on any other differentiators I have left out. As i say, this is interim, but may be interim for quite a few months!

Thanks for looking
I remembered seeing this article, but have no firsthand knowledge of the cameras.

Back when the AF motor on my D700 died, I hesitated between a Z6 and Z6ii. Turns out the difference between the two didn't apply for me. FPS are the same, I don't need a SD card slot, the Z6 takes En-EL15c batteries by now and I couldn't care less about subject detection. Z6 buffer is sufficient so far.

If it is an interim solution, I'd go for a Z6. Those go used in mint or as new condition with very low shutter counts for around 900 bucks on mpb.com in Europe today. Still a decent camera, and why spend almost double for a body that is only goong to be a stop gap solution anyway?
Back when the AF motor on my D700 died, I hesitated between a Z6 and Z6ii. Turns out the difference between the two didn't apply for me. FPS are the same, I don't need a SD card slot, the Z6 takes En-EL15c batteries by now and I couldn't care less about subject detection. Z6 buffer is sufficient so far.

If it is an interim solution, I'd go for a Z6. Those go used in mint or as new condition with very low shutter counts for around 900 bucks on mpb.com in Europe today. Still a decent camera, and why spend almost double for a body that is only goong to be a stop gap solution anyway?
My thoughts and sentiments, thanks for confirming!!
Back when the AF motor on my D700 died, I hesitated between a Z6 and Z6ii. Turns out the difference between the two didn't apply for me. FPS are the same, I don't need a SD card slot, the Z6 takes En-EL15c batteries by now and I couldn't care less about subject detection. Z6 buffer is sufficient so far.

If it is an interim solution, I'd go for a Z6. Those go used in mint or as new condition with very low shutter counts for around 900 bucks on mpb.com in Europe today. Still a decent camera, and why spend almost double for a body that is only goong to be a stop gap solution anyway?
EDIT: Apologies, replied to wrong poster - How do i delete these?
I remembered seeing this article, but have no firsthand knowledge of the cameras.

Thank-you, I did just see that, but it left a few gaps I hope users here may assist in
EDIT: Apologies, replied to wrong poster - How do i delete these?

You can hit report and ask a moderator to delete it. Or you can erase all but one word, like "delete." Or, supporting members get their own delete button. There is never any pressure here to upgrade to supporting member though.
Good afternoon,

I am not far off from purchasing my dream lens (Z 600TC) But the caveat is that I am going to need to buy an interim solution when it comes to the body, not ideal but there we are. I will eventually buy a Z9, probably used, but until that juncture, a few questions on the differences between the two variants in the thread title from anyone who has had hands on experience.

1- Is the updated refresh/blackout in the EVF worth thinking about the Z6II?
2 - Is the AF any different in either
3 - I can live with a few less FPS for now, or can i?
4 - Benefits of the updated Expeed processor?

And any thoughts and comments on any other differentiators I have left out. As i say, this is interim, but may be interim for quite a few months!

Thanks for looking
I had a Z6, Z7, and Z7ii, but no Z6ii. Between the Z7 and Z7ii I didn’t see any major difference in performance. The EVF blackout differences were fairly minor. The Z7ii was slightly lower but still bad enough that it was didn’t make much difference between the two. After the firmware updates, the overall AF performance seemed the same. The Z7ii has subject detection in small/large wide modes which I found very convenient but if you’re only using for wildlife it won’t make a difference as subject detection worked best for people. The FPS between the Z6 and Z7 series is different I don’t want to weigh in on that part, but keep in mind that you cannot use extended high without getting a slide show so consider the difference between the normal high mode as your maximum fps. The second expeed 6 processor is responsible for the slightly shorter blackout, higher fps. You won’t really notice any difference in normal operations.

With spending so much on the new lens, I would ask if there is any way you can push your budget to the Z6iii. It would prove to be a viable backup/second camera down the road and will be a very solid performing camera until you’re able to buy the Z9. if not, I’d go as cheap as you can on the interim body and get the original Z6.
I had a Z6, Z7, and Z7ii, but no Z6ii. Between the Z7 and Z7ii I didn’t see any major difference in performance. The EVF blackout differences were fairly minor. The Z7ii was slightly lower but still bad enough that it was didn’t make much difference between the two. After the firmware updates, the overall AF performance seemed the same. The Z7ii has subject detection in small/large wide modes which I found very convenient but if you’re only using for wildlife it won’t make a difference as subject detection worked best for people. The FPS between the Z6 and Z7 series is different I don’t want to weigh in on that part, but keep in mind that you cannot use extended high without getting a slide show so consider the difference between the normal high mode as your maximum fps. The second expeed 6 processor is responsible for the slightly shorter blackout, higher fps. You won’t really notice any difference in normal operations.

With spending so much on the new lens, I would ask if there is any way you can push your budget to the Z6iii. It would prove to be a viable backup/second camera down the road and will be a very solid performing camera until you’re able to buy the Z9. if not, I’d go as cheap as you can on the interim body and get the original Z6.
Thanks for the reply Brian, based on yours and other opinions I can see there isn't sufficient benefit to go for the Z6II. I will go with the Z6I and this will allow me a bit of time to A) get used to the Nikon system (i have just sold all my Sony gear) and B) Give me a bit of a sabbatical from saving like a crazed fool! - This will allow me to do normal things for a bit like pay the mortgage and give up the bread and water diet (J/K but only just!).
Thanks for the reply Brian, based on yours and other opinions I can see there isn't sufficient benefit to go for the Z6II. I will go with the Z6I and this will allow me a bit of time to A) get used to the Nikon system (i have just sold all my Sony gear) and B) Give me a bit of a sabbatical from saving like a crazed fool! - This will allow me to do normal things for a bit like pay the mortgage and give up the bread and water diet (J/K but only just!).
Just go in knowing the Z6/Z6ii are really first generation Nikon mirrorless cameras and there are significant differences compared to the cameras with Expeed7 processors. The Z6 is going to compare with the A7iii before its firmware update that improved AF and be similar to mid level dslr cameras. There will be no subject detection for birds/wildlife. I used them as my main bodies for a few years and they worked fine but it will depend on what you are used to and your expectations. With the release of the Z6iii, there may be some used Zf models becoming available at discounted prices as well if you are ok with retro controls and design. it is a big step up in performance over the Z6/Z6ii.
Since I only use SD cards, the most glaring difference to me is that the Z6ii accepts them while the Z6 does not. If you use CF Express then I suppose this won't matter.