Ding Darling YCNH

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Yellow Crowned Night Herons in one of the back sloughs at Ding Darling on Sanibel.

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Nice job John! I love ding darling..( except the traffic getting there and back)

Thanks Gordon...never have had a traffic issue. We’re normally in Sanibel at end of April 1st week of May. At that time 90%of the tourist have left so traffic really a non-issue. Now if only the noseeums would leave.

Thank you Yezdi
Beautiful colors! Great detail!
Ralph Bruno ..thanks I believe they were still in breeding colors as I’ve never seen the legs that brilliant.
Wonderful shots!!

thanks Gaknott
Great set - although I've been to Ding Darling enough that I can almost feel the no-see-ems nipping at my leg LOL!

thanks Steve, they were terrible at the 1st two water areas but then just disappeared once we got to “cross dike trail” just before the observation tower. It was probably 7:45AM at that point , sunrise was probably about 7AM. Don’t recall if there was a breeze but remember it was real strange how just suddenly they were gone.