Disheveled chipping sparrow fledgling ...

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I was sitting in my yard, and this little guy flew (a bit unsteadily) out of a bush. He was very small and looked funny. So I grabbed a couple of pictures.

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The above was my favorite pose. The tufts on each side of the head ... the grumpy grandpa pose.

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I'm pretty sure this is a just fledged chipping sparrow, though not 100% certain. Either way, cute and sorta unusual.
Great pics - looks like he isnt fully awake yet :)
Thanks. He must of just fledged. He was very goofy looking. And he sure wasn't very awake. A lot of my shots his eyes were closed. He paid no attention to me on the second shot, as I laid down to get some pics of him about 12 feet away. I hope he becomes more aware of his surroundings before some predator snacks upon him!