Diving Osprey

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Warren D

Well-known member
Target in sight, intense concentration. At this point, the osprey is committed, no course changes, it's either a success or failure.

If you are wondering about the outcome, this next photo should provide the answer:

A fresh menhaden for dinner!
Nikon D850 600mmEFL with 1.4 TCEIII 1/3200 [email protected] ISO320
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Very well done Warren, you pushed the trigger that the exact right moment.
Thanks, to be honest, I really would have like a shot about 0.10 seconds later, just as the talons started slicing into the water. I don't recall what the next frame looks like but more than likely either the focus point slipped off the bird and it was a blur or the bird had already hit the water. They accelerate tremendously in the last few feet of the dive.
For those who may not be aware ... when these birds dive for a fish they plummet down like a jet! So much has to come together to get a shot like this. WOW! For years I have been trying to get a shot of the Osprey just hitting the water; you're shot comes closer than any of mine.
For those who may not be aware ... when these birds dive for a fish they plummet down like a jet! So much has to come together to get a shot like this. WOW! For years I have been trying to get a shot of the Osprey just hitting the water; you're shot comes closer than any of mine.
Thanks, like I said above, I'd like to get a shot like this a few micro-seconds later just as the talons are slicing the surface. Hard to do, wind, light, prey and osprey all have to come together and then it's on us, track the dive and hope the AF and shutter gods are kind!
For those who may not be aware ... when these birds dive for a fish they plummet down like a jet! So much has to come together to get a shot like this. WOW! For years I have been trying to get a shot of the Osprey just hitting the water; you're shot comes closer than any of mine.
The osprey will dive up to four feet in the water for a catch!