Do I need a really heavy tripod for stability

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I have a Gitzo Series 3 tripod extra long which weighs about 4 1/3 lbs without the head.

I am currently using the tripod mostly in the field shooting long telephoto lenses with a gimbal. I plan soon to do more macro work as well as using the tripod for slower shutter speed landscapes. I also plan to try out neat focus techniques that combine images such as focus shift.

My biggest lens right now is the 800mm pf. I have no plans right now but one day someone may out of charity gift me a 600mm f4 tc vr for which I would be eternally grateful. (hint hint):):):)

I have read the series 5 tripods are more stable. Would a series 5 tripod benefit me or am I fine where I am?
No, not necessary. I have been lightening my gear over the last few years with absolutely no adverse effects. From my tried and true 8.8 lb. 500 f4 to a 500PF, Gitzo aluminum tripod circa 2002 to a carbon fiber Gitzo and I traded my beloved Wimberly WH1 for a Flex Shooter Pro. My D500 w/grip has been replaced with my Z8 and my shots are better than ever. Between VR and IBIS bad shots due to camera/lens shake are pretty much nonexistent anymore.