Doe Deer - thumbs up or thumbs down?

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Charles Loy

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Call it

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I do like them heading off in a new direction. I also agree that a bit of cropping from the top right would work better to frame the deer as they head into the photo frame.
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Since you asked, I don't like that they are walking away. If they were facing the camera, it would be much better.

I do like them heading off in a new direction. I also agree that a bit of cropping from the top right would work better to frame the deer as they head into the photo frame.

I appreciate the replies! Thanks to all.

No question I would not be able to have her and fawn turn and walk toward me. To me it is interesting she is walking away, ladies do that to me often :)

I tried the somewhat tighter crop, but that darker brush somewhat took over the photo (n) Too, I liked that far stem of brush far right.
Thanks to all for looking and comment.
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