Does formatting the memory card erase any of the Z 8 or Z 9 settings?

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Once my Z 8 returns from the service recall, I will set up the camera. Does formatting the memory card after each use erase the information stored in the Custom Settings Banks or in the Shooting Menu Banks? If so, how can I protect and easily restore the information?
It's a good idea to save your settings to a card that is dedicated to that purpose. It's easy with the Z8 since you can use an SD card. If your like me you've got bunches of old/slow/low capacity SD cards lying around that aren't useful for shooting. They'll still work for this purpose.
Not to hijack the thread, but can a single card contain load settings for more than one camera? In other words, if I load a card with the settings for all my Z cameras and insert the card in one of the bodies, will the camera load the appropriate setting?
Not to hijack the thread, but can a single card contain load settings for more than one camera? In other words, if I load a card with the settings for all my Z cameras and insert the card in one of the bodies, will the camera load the appropriate setting?
You can forget replying to my question…did some digging and found a video that Steve did that says, yes, you can keep multiple load setting files on a single card.
Thank you for your comments. Of course, formatting the memory card erases all images on the card. The question remains, does formatting the memory card change any of the settings in the Banks? Is saving the settings to the backup 2nd slot SD card and reloading the settings after each formatting workable? One assumes a second backup to another card outside the camera would be a wise precaution but not always convenient in the field.
Banks settings are saved

Save these on to old SD card carried with you in the field. (If you format that card you’ll lose your record of settings and can’t reload them to camera.)

Shooting and images on faster card/s which can be formatted as you wish after downloading (and backing up) images to your preferred hardware. Not sure exactly what problematic workflow you’re seeking an answer to here, given your posts and the answers above. Sorry if I’ve misunderstood.
Thank you for your comments. Of course, formatting the memory card erases all images on the card. The question remains, does formatting the memory card change any of the settings in the Banks? Is saving the settings to the backup 2nd slot SD card and reloading the settings after each formatting workable? One assumes a second backup to another card outside the camera would be a wise precaution but not always convenient in the field.
I answered your question in Post #2.
There are no camera settings saved to the card, the camera will retain any settings when you format the cards. What people are suggesting is that you have your settings saved to a card in order to restore them if you unintentionally alter your settings. If you save a copy to a card you can always restore those setting. It is suggested that you save your settings before doing a firmware update just in case. Users also save settings to a card so they can transfer them to another camera of the same model. If you have saved your "backup" copy of your settings to a card and then format the card the settings on the card will be erased but the settings on the camera will not be lost.
You can also save the settings to a hard drive and copy them to a card when they’re needed. I keep copies of the settings on my desktop computer, travel laptop, and in OneDrive.
Formatting a card has no impact on the camera's settings as stored in the camera. However, if you have saved a copy of your camera's settings to a card as a backup and later format that card, I think you might lose the settings file saved as a backup on that card. But I have not tried this. I save my settings for my Nikon Z cameras to two older XQD cards -- one that I leave at home and one that I put in my camera bag -- that I do not use for shooting and hence do not format.
Formatting a card has no impact on the camera's settings as stored in the camera. However, if you have saved a copy of your camera's settings to a card as a backup and later format that card, I think you might lose the settings file saved as a backup on that card. But I have not tried this. I save my settings for my Nikon Z cameras to two older XQD cards -- one that I leave at home and one that I put in my camera bag -- that I do not use for shooting and hence do not format.
Formatting a card with a load setting saved on it erases the setting for sure--Hudson Henry has a video showing that he never formats a card with his saved settings but deletes all the photos instead.
Formatting a card with a load setting saved on it erases the setting for sure--Hudson Henry has a video showing that he never formats a card with his saved settings but deletes all the photos instead.
This is ok to do once in a while, but is not a best practice for long term usage of your memory card. Hudson even comments on this in some of his later videos, after he initially brought up the idea of deleting photos on the card in order to preserve your config files.

When you delete the files on your card, vice formatting, you start to get non-contiguous blocks of free storage space (fragmentation), which is not efficient and can get worse over time. I've also read that it can increase the likelihood of eventually corrupting the card.

Formatting your card basically resets the filesystem to an initial clean state with maximum contiguous free storage space.
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This is ok to do once in a while, but is not a best practice for long term usage of your memory card. Hudson even comments on this in some of his later videos, after he initially brought up the idea of deleting photos on the card in order to preserve your config files.

When you delete the files on your card, vice formatting, you start to get non-contiguous blocks of free storage space (fragmentation), which is not efficient and can get worse over time. I've also read that it can increase the likelihood of eventually corrupting the card.

Formatting your card basically resets the filesystem to an initial clean state with maximum contiguous free storage space.
Yep, several years ago, it was said don’t delete individual photos from memory cards—it was pretty much SD or CF cards back then—using the in-camera delete or the card could get corrupted. Since then, with the newer cards like CF express, that doesn’t seem to be the rule anymore, with Henry’s process taking it even further where he’d delete an entire card’s photos as to not erase the load setting file saved on the card. I didn’t know he’d backed off on that…I pretty much do what I first learned and don’t use the camera to delete photos so I never adopted Henry’s practice anyway.
Once my Z 8 returns from the service recall, I will set up the camera. Does formatting the memory card after each use erase the information stored in the Custom Settings Banks or in the Shooting Menu Banks? If so, how can I protect and easily restore the information?
A format only erases any settings saved to the card ... 🦘
I've been reading your comments about formatting cards. I just bought a new Delkin Black memory card for my "new" Nikon Z8, I have already started to enter some settings on the camera following H. Henry Bank A has been completed to all the suggested settings. First , Do I need to format my new memory card after I insert it into the camera? The settings I've made to Bank "A" which took me quite a while – Are my settings still "in" my camera or are they lost because I'm putting a different card into the camera? The previous card was not entering data into my card Reader so I took it out and marked it to not use..Are my settings possibly on the card I removed ? or are my settings in camera still..Sorry I'm new to this camera I have been using a Z6ii for a long time....
Do I need to format my new memory card after I insert it into the camera?
It's a good idea to format new cards in the camera before use but it isn't strictly necessary.

Per the discussions in this thread, saved camera settings aren't erased but any settings saved to the card are of course erased during formatting.
Are my settings still "in" my camera or are they lost because I'm putting a different card into the camera?
Those settings are in the camera's non-volatile memory and changing cards doesn't change those settings.
Are my settings possibly on the card I removed ?
Only if you took the extra step in the menus to Save those settings onto your memory card. Normally there are no settings saved to the card but you can optionally save a copy to a memory card for future loading if you do something like a full factory reset on the camera and want to reload all your custom settings without having to re-enter them. I use an older memory card to save camera settings, label it with a sharpie and then set it aside just for restoring settings in the future if necessary. But I don't save settings onto the memory cards I actually use while out shooting because I always reformat my cards after uploading the images to my computer and that reformatting would wipe out any settings saved on actual cards I use.
or are my settings in camera
Yes, when you customize your settings it's saved in the camera's internal memory and a copy only gets saved onto a memory card if you explicitly do so via the menus using the Save function. But even if you do that it's just a copy of the settings stored in the camera itself.