Dot Sight

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Spurred by the launch of a dirt-cheap dot sight from TTartisan: does anyone here use a dot sight for wildlife photography? Or know someone who does? These things have always been marketed to wildlife photographers, but I hardly ever see them discussed/mentioned in any forum/group/channel. If nobody is using these sights, why do companies keep making them? This is almost reminiscent of the situation around mirror-reflex telephoto lenses.

I’ve never heard of these gadgets but suspect the design is similar to dot sights for firearms. Those devices require a sighting in process to be on target. With applications to camera use and lens changes I am not sure how beneficial these would be. With rear view screens this seems unnecessary……🧐….. maybe why they are dirt cheap…
I think the intention is a spotting scope, ie a wider field than the telephoto to center the telephoto on the target.

I think it would be clumsy and practice following subjects with just the telephoto time well spent.

Red Dots don't work well if you have astigmatism.