Dragonfly and Damselfly using the Helicon FB Tube and Nikon 300 PF

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Andrew Lamberson

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Both of the images below are 3 image focus stacks using the Helicon FB Tube on a Nikon 300 PF. Due to back issues, I have limited ability to get down "face-to-face" with these little critters sometimes, so using the 300PF has been a real help for me.

Baskettail Dragonfly

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Orange Bluet Damselfly: Note the 3 small eyes on the top of its head called ocelli. The two compound eyes have 5,000+ individual light-sensitive "eyes" called ommatidia and detect movement 2x faster than humans! We have 52 species of Damselflies in MN and the male and female look different, so please excuse me if I get the ID incorrect! (Damselflies of Mn, Wi and MI by Robert DuBois).

Orange Bluet Damselfly-.jpg
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Love your images. Understand that close to the ground thing. Glad to see the FB tube is working so well for you. I,be been thinking about it for my D7500 and Tamron 100-400.
Very nice images Andrew. I have just invested in the Helicon FB Tube so that I can focus stack in camera with my D810 and D500, and I am looking forward to seeing the results.