Drinking Booted eagle

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Well-known member
Photographed from a hide in Northern Spain. The most beautiful of European eagles in my opinion.
Nikon Z9-Nikon Z400 F2.8 Induro CF tripod Flexshooter

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I have never seen a Booted Eagle. Quite beautiful!
Rene - your image isnt sharp - reason being your shutter speed was too slow and perhaps the focus is also a little bit off too.
Sometimes one watches a bird on a perch - when 1/400 would be really good - but then it takes off and quickly 1/400 isnt usually nearly enough. One is sometimes lucky and can get sharp photos with slow shutter speeds - but to capture movement like this, you really need a lot more. I would start with 1/2000 and if you are comfortable, even up to 1/4000 - especially since you had plenty ISO to spare. You might also want to move up to f5.6 - but I can't say if that would have given you any better results without being there and trying it myself.
I know it's easy to comment on other people's images if you were not in their shoes, but I am positive you will get better results if you make a couple of changes
It's a nice capture but as they always say, it's better to have a sharp picture with a little noise in it than an oof one with no noise. At least with a noisy one you can use some NR to deal with it/smooth it out, but you can't make something that's out of focus sharp. I usually shoot manual, minimal with 600mm lens, @ 1/1600th, f5.6, and AUTO ISO, and just deal with whatever ISO I'm given. Sometimes you get lucky when the light is good and the ISO is pretty low. Also, even with high s.s. it's crucial that you hold the camera as still as possible, especially when zoomed in, the slightest movement can cause blur. Experiment, discover what works best for your liking. GL!