Dunlin on a cold morning in NE Florida

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Shot with the Nikon D5 + 800mm f/5.6 + TC 1.25

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I second @ssheipel's thoughts above. Between that and the out of focus (and just perfectly out of focus, not crazy blurred nor almost in focus) birds in the background it has a real dreamy quality. Great image!

I might add a tad more vignette, especially to the top edge just to contain the brights a bit but really I'm only writing this since you posted in the critique section so I figure you might want some suggestions :)
Just noticed the "800mm" gear note. While definitely a lens beyond my abilities or talent, a lens for which I continue to negotiate the sale of loved ones in order to buy :)
I second @ssheipel's thoughts above. Between that and the out of focus (and just perfectly out of focus, not crazy blurred nor almost in focus) birds in the background it has a real dreamy quality. Great image!

I might add a tad more vignette, especially to the top edge just to contain the brights a bit but really I'm only writing this since you posted in the critique section so I figure you might want some suggestions :)
Re the brights and Caillie's note about darker BG. I agree I'd like to see what that produces. But I initially missed the Florida reference in the title and at first was trying to figure out what far north bird this was captured on snow and ice! Dreamy, indeed!
The photo has almost no post processing; but given the comments, I'll definitely experiment with the exposure and vignetting.

I've owned the Nikon 800mm f/5.6e since its release in 2013 and use it mostly with it's dedicated 1.25 TC, unless I need the 5.6 f-stop for more accurate autofocus. The combination is great for small birds; but often, still not enough reach (Ugh).
