Eagle at sunrise

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Image taken at sunrise from the kayak on Lake DeGray, Arkansas. Light fog and 31 degrees with a golden light that highlighted the feathers. All of the gum balls gave AF a challenge
D500 1/800sec@f/6.3,auto iso 1250 500mm(200-500) Enjoy
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Lighting is super sweet, as is the pose. I would add more room on the right hand side of the frame, and perhaps a little more to the top. Even with the compressed quality of images posted here(I think), I can see some noise throughout the image. ISO 1250 on the D500 shouldn’t be a problem, though, so I think it may have been as result of over sharpening. The bush background is unfortunate, but there’s not much you can do except try to find a better angle or hope it flies off to another perch out in the open.

Thanks for sharing.