Eagle Overwatch

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This is another shot of the Bald Eagle nest near my house. In this shot there is a lot going on. The question is; is it too much? The male sitting atop the tree watching while the female is feeding the two chicks. How is the composition and was there too much in the shot? I want to use the feed back to do take more shots of the Bald Eagle family and make the shots better.
210201 Viera Eagles Nest-5.jpg
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Thanx Bill. I've looked at this shot over and over trying to see a better composition. This was originally a landscape shot and I cropped into it as a portrait shape. I like it better but wanted some more input for thought. I appreciate your input.
My only critique is that the branch of the tree leading up to the eagle is distracting. This is because my eye sees that branch and follows it right up to the top most bird. The mom and chicks get lost. So, IMHO, I'd crop to better focus on the nest area and leave out the top most bird from the image.
My only critique is that the branch of the tree leading up to the eagle is distracting. This is because my eye sees that branch and follows it right up to the top most bird. The mom and chicks get lost. So, IMHO, I'd crop to better focus on the nest area and leave out the top most bird from the image.
Thanx again.