Eagles didn't stick to the script

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
A couple of days ago I had a maddening experience. On the positive side two eagles did a chase around and around our boat at very close quarters. Bad news I was shooting 600mm and couldn't fit a bird in the frame. Also I was under a canvas enclosure and only had about 135 degree field of view that I could shoot in. Certainly a challenge trying to find a bird's head in the VF and fire a burst as they flashed by so close and at high speed. It was interesting to witness up close but so frustrating from a photography standpoint. It was also a good reminder that as advanced as the AF has become it's still not magic. Anyway... here's what I managed to come away with.

Nikon Z8/600mm 6.3, full manual exposure w/sunny 16 settings

1) This is as close as I got to fitting a bird in the frame during the chase.
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When the chase was over one of the birds circled back around at more reasonable shooting range and against a nice dark BG.

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4) This was the best of the lot IMO.
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A couple of days ago I had a maddening experience. On the positive side two eagles did a chase around and around our boat at very close quarters. Bad news I was shooting 600mm and couldn't fit a bird in the frame. Also I was under a canvas enclosure and only had about 135 degree field of view that I could shoot in. Certainly a challenge trying to find a bird's head in the VF and fire a burst as they flashed by so close and at high speed. It was interesting to witness up close but so frustrating from a photography standpoint. It was also a good reminder that as advanced as the AF has become it's still not magic. Anyway... here's what I managed to come away with.

Nikon Z8/600mm 6.3, full manual exposure w/sunny 16 settings

1) This is as close as I got to fitting a bird in the frame.
View attachment 91422

When the chase was over one of the birds circled back around at more reasonable shooting range and against a nice dark BG.

View attachment 91419

View attachment 91420

4) This was the best of the lot IMO.
View attachment 91421
Excellent set Dan! I really like the first one the best👍👍👍
Great images Dan, love the lighting!
Thanks, Dave. Yeah it's nice to be reminded once in a while that lighting matters :)

Great set, Dan.
Thanks, Rick. Wish I'd been able to do a little more when they were close. Lots of clipped wings and tails.

Excellent set Dan! Wonderful images!
Glad you enjoyed them, Doug.

Great set, great light
Thanks, Bill. It was a rare sunny morning on Prince William Sound.
Excellent set Dan! I really like the first one the best👍👍👍
Thanks, Ralph. Yeah I love the detail in the first one and the lighting in the last one.

Terrific set Dan.
Thanks, Louie.

Considering your challenges you did very well, very nice sequence.
I think we all had similar challenges one way or another
Chris S
Thanks, Chris. I hate that I squandered the chance when they came so close. Though I do have plenty more frames of head and body shots.

Nice! Congrats
Thanks, Charles.
Nicely done. Oh, for a zoom lens when you need one in a moment! Of course if you've had a zoom on the birds would have stayed distant :)
Thanks, Steven. No like I mentioned in another thread we just have to learn to live with missed opportunities. Can't get them all. I made my choices. The 180-600 was on the shelf at home. And there was a 400mm tucked away in my bag just a few feet away. :confused: