Early Morning on the Luangwa River --- Zambia.

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434 Luangwa River Kafunta-edit.jpg
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A very peaceful scene at 8 am on the Luangwa River at Kafunta in Zambia. Sacred and Glossy Ibis in the foreground with a couple of tuskers filling up behind. This was in September (2018), the dry season, when the river level is at its lowest. Even so, to access the nature reserve on the far bank our land rover had to be hauled across on a raft by a couple of the locals.
Taken with D750 and 24-85mm. at 85mm., f6.3, ISO 100, 1/500 Sec., handheld.
Very nice, David. Makes me homesick for the African bush again.
Thanks Rassie, I know exactly how you feel and I have never lived there, but whenever you visit you cannot shake the dust off nor forget the primal smell and sounds of this great continent !
Africa is one of those places that is a photographers paradise. I am just lucky to have the opportunity to be out here to be for a while. Great capture David. The story adds so much context to the image. Very evocative.
Africa is one of those places that is a photographers paradise. I am just lucky to have the opportunity to be out here to be for a while. Great capture David. The story adds so much context to the image. Very evocative.
Thanks Hawkeshead, I am very envious, I'd love to get back there, hopefully in the next few years.
Africa awaits as does the wildlife. in Kenya where I currently live, there are plenty of deals to be had and efforts to mitigate the effects of covid have been implemented since the first case in March, Currently no quarantine here for arrivals with a negative test certificate; mask wearing, temp testing, sanitiser use is rigorously enforced here in all public facing venues. As a Brit I have looked at the U.K. response with interest. Tourism will take some time to pick up which has led to a reliance on domestic tourism - many Kenyans haven’t done safaris for example as they are too expensive which has led to the government reducing park fees by about 40%for locals and international visitors alike and reducing rents on camps to allow them to reduce costs for visitors. Be interesting to see who/what survives. Even BA have reduced their fares. More than happy to provide any info to those thinking of heading this way in the future. The beaches are great to chill at after an exhausting safari! I see South African airspace is opening up also. It will be down to traveller confidence as to when visitor numbers pick up. In the meantime, we all need to keep snapping and maintain our skills. Ireland has some amazing scenery to capture as well as wildlife. 😊
Africa awaits as does the wildlife. in Kenya where I currently live, there are plenty of deals to be had and efforts to mitigate the effects of covid have been implemented since the first case in March, Currently no quarantine here for arrivals with a negative test certificate; mask wearing, temp testing, sanitiser use is rigorously enforced here in all public facing venues. As a Brit I have looked at the U.K. response with interest. Tourism will take some time to pick up which has led to a reliance on domestic tourism - many Kenyans haven’t done safaris for example as they are too expensive which has led to the government reducing park fees by about 40%for locals and international visitors alike and reducing rents on camps to allow them to reduce costs for visitors. Be interesting to see who/what survives. Even BA have reduced their fares. More than happy to provide any info to those thinking of heading this way in the future. The beaches are great to chill at after an exhausting safari! I see South African airspace is opening up also. It will be down to traveller confidence as to when visitor numbers pick up. In the meantime, we all need to keep snapping and maintain our skills. Ireland has some amazing scenery to capture as well as wildlife. 😊
Interesting, up to date info Hawkeshead --- always wanted to visit Kenya and my friend Johnathan Scott (Big Cat Diaries --- we sat together in Zoology lectures in University ) lives there, but is very hard to pin down , so I may have to do a solo run .