Early Season on Prince William Sound

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A shot from our first boat trip of the season on PWS. We had a lot of snow this past winter and a good bit of it is still around. On our last day(of five) this little island and the mist caught my attention.

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Thanks for sharing your beautiful part of the world with those of us from the other side of the continent Dan.
Looks very peaceful and well worth visiting.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful part of the world with those of us from the other side of the continent Dan.
Looks very peaceful and well worth visiting.
Glad you enjoyed the photo, Gavin. On days like the one pictured it is indeed a peaceful place. And there are plenty of bays/fiords to find seclusion away from other people if so desired. OTOH when low pressure systems sweep through it can be pretty violent.

Beautiful Dan👍👍👍
Thanks, Ralph.

Dandy photo. I assume you are pleased with that lens. I've given thought to the 17-28 in that line
Thanks, Charles. Yes I like the lens. It replaced my 70-200 f4 which was my previous favorite. I tend to use longer FL to shoot landscapes and the 2.8 aperture is useful for occasionally shooting vollyball/basketball indoors.