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Sort of a dragonfly on a stick, but I thought the background interesting and liked the colors. The Eastern Amberwing is a very small dragonfly, and it apparently tries to mimic a wasp to discourage predators.

EasternAmberwingFaceOn-1-BCG Forums Export-2.jpg
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Nothing special about the processing; used Adobe denoise along with subject and background masking. The thing was swaying in the breeze quite a bit; I needed a relatively high shutter speed. Fairly large crop since the dragonfly is small and the MFD on the lens I had is over 9 feet.


  • EasternAmberwingFaceOn-1.jpg
    438.6 KB · Views: 61
Just for grins, this is the Gigapixel upsized version, then cropped. (I need to pay for the newest gigapixel and try it ...):

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