Eastern Towhee (Male)

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For those outside of the Eastern half of the USA, this is the largest native member of the Sparrow family.
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ice shot. I don’t believe that I have ever seen one of those.
Thank you. They are usually on the ground or close to the ground in the thick brush right at the border between fields and woods. This fellow was eating those berries and gave me a few seconds to fire off a shot before going deep in the underbrush again.
Nice shot of a pretty bird. Seems they don't typically occur where I live on the northwestern side of Lake Ontario. I've never seen one.
Thank you. You seem to be at the northern edge of their breeding range so they should be there in summer. They tend to hang out deep in underbrush on the edges where fields meet woods. They nest deep in the underbrush and can be pretty tough to spot. I always consider it luck when I see one.