Eastern Washington Wheat Harvest

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I'll be heading to Eastern Washington for a short photo trip next week. This is a shot from last September. Nikon D750, 200-500mm @ 500mm, F11, 1/60...
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Beautiful, I love the dust in the air. Was that from Steptoe Butte?
Yes it is! Obviously, that is the best view around. And, also the most popular so I tend to avoid it when I'm there. This day was just really perfect for it. With harvest finished, lots of fields being worked for winter and just enough wind to put the right amount of dust in the air. I really liked how the dust caught the sunlight.
Yes it is! Obviously, that is the best view around. And, also the most popular so I tend to avoid it when I'm there. This day was just really perfect for it. With harvest finished, lots of fields being worked for winter and just enough wind to put the right amount of dust in the air. I really liked how the dust caught the sunlight.
It's a beautiful image. Yeah Steptoe can be popular but with the road winding around and around the peak you can get many angles and many variations on elevation perspective which makes it awesome!