Egret at local water hole (first post)

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Camera: Nikon Z9 Lenses: 800mm pf, 100mm - 400mm
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Michael it's a lovely photo. You did a good job.

re editing: fine-tuning only : and this is my subjective comment - you may prefer to edit differently

The image is slightly under-exposed and I would lift the whites and shadows in the bird a fraction only. (subject mask in ACR)
I would also lighten the area right behind the bird by perhaps 1/4 to 1/3 of a stop (radial mask in ACR) and darken the outside perimeter (like a vignette) by about 1/4 of a stop also with radial mask in ACR.
This will just lift and accentuate the bird from the background a tad more - but the composition and the colour of the background - great as is and I think you did a great job to start off with.
I agree with Elsa, the bird could be a little more exposed, but it's your baby so do what suits your taste. I don't think the sticks at the bottom are a big deal, they're so far down and blurred they don't stand out or distract, not me anyway. Overall, I think it's a very nice photo, good job!