Egret in flight...

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The light was a bit harsh and I was just about to leave when there it was. Image is 16x9 crop and I am open to comments on how this might have turned out better either framing in the camera or post processing. D500 1/2500 f6 ISO 560 500mm

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Eye in focus; check. Interesting wing shape; check. Water splash off of feet; check. I like it! My $0.02 on what would make it better....

1) Light’s a little harsh as you said
2) I would tone down the highlights and contrast a touch
3) Remove the rest of the noise (visible in the background)

Great shot!
Eye in focus; check. Interesting wing shape; check. Water splash off of feet; check. I like it! My $0.02 on what would make it better....

1) Light’s a little harsh as you said
2) I would tone down the highlights and contrast a touch
3) Remove the rest of the noise (visible in the background)

Great shot!
thanks and I agree with your $0.02 Have you used the Topaz noise reduction tool? I hear a lot of good things about it
Overall it's a nice shot. I agree with cjh and would add one thing. You mentioned in-camera and I think the shot was too late. I personally don't like it when the bird is flying away from the camera position. I like image where the bird is either coming towards the photographer is is right to the side. Once they start heading away, I tend to put the camera down. Again, simply my opinion.
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thanks and I agree with your $0.02 Have you used the Topaz noise reduction tool? I hear a lot of good things about it
Big fan of Denoize and Sharpen UI. They produce great results, their automation algorithms are top notch and the manual elements are intuitive to use. If you check their site you can pick up a free trial before you decide. You won’t look back...
Overall it's a nice shot. I agree with cjh and would add one thing. You mentioned in-camera and I think the shot was too late. I personally don't like it when the bird is flying away from the camera position. I like image where the bird is either coming towards the photographer is is right to the side. Once they start heading away, I tend to put the camera down. Again, simply my opinion.
Thanks Steve, yes, the bird surprised me and I did not get a good focus lock until about the point where this photo was recorded.