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I love the lighting and pose of the bird. The overall image seems oversaturated and too contrasty to me. I wish there was more separation between the bird and background. I would’ve left much more space on the right of the frame, and less on the left. I’m other words, the bird is way too far right in the frame. Most of the whites on the bird are completely blown out, with zero detail.
Love the snowy egrets in breeding plumage! You captured the detail of those "fancy" feathers well. I second the comment above about more room on the right - would have been nice to get some more room to look into. I also wish there were some more detail in the white on the next and upper body - maybe it's might laptop monitor, but they look overexposed. Still a great bird though.
It’s a beautiful Snowy in breeding plumage…to my eye, the whites are blown (loss of detail) and that‘s a shame…but they can also be very hard to control depending on the lighting situation. The image has a somewhat harsh feel to it RE contrast…again, not sure if it is the lighting or processing. I wish it had more room on the right, and the branch in the foreground is a distraction and cuts its leg in two…then again, given your angle and position, there’s not much you could do about that! I’m this a fairly large crop? Love the display!
Cool bird and pose. Unfortunately there's too much saturation and contrast, some of the whites are blown out, too much room to the left of the bird and not in the direction it's looking, the background is a little too close (not much you could have done about that I'm guessing), and there's a distracting branch directly in front of its feet. In future I would drop the exposure compensation to prevent the whites from blowing out, shift your position to get that branch out of the way, and leave more room for the bird to look in to. That would have made for an even better shot of such a cool looking bird. Keep shooting!
Neat image.
I wonder if it would make sense to crop the images, say from the bottom one-third of the horizontal branch to the bottom. The two toes protruding below that branch is more of a distraction for me. If the original image has more space to the right of the bird I would crop so as to allow more of that on the right, and less on the left. The human brain always wants to know what the bird is looking at, so leave more space for the animal to look into. Same principle holds for running animals. Leave more space in front so that it looks like the animal is running into the frame rather than out of it.

Secondly, I would try to pull back the highlights, if possible. Large areas of the white on the bird are blown out and show no feather detail. It's common for me to dial in as much as -1.7 exposure compensation when dealing with egrets surrounded by dark foliage. It's easier to lighten underexposed areas during post processing than trying to recover blown highlights. Don't know if you shot the image in RAW or Jpeg. It's harder to recover blown highlights from a Jpeg than a RAW image.

I suggest you include your camera and lens settings information with the posted image. It helps others better evaluate and offer constructive comments regarding the image.
It's a beautiful bird and the image could be improved, It looks like the whites are blown out, it is over saturated and very contrasty.