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feel free to leave criticism I learn a ton from you all! thanks
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Lookin' good overall - however since you asked... :)

They look just a touch soft to me. Not 100% sure if I'm seeing softness due to heat diffraction, missed focus, or shutter speed. I think the first is shutter speed (1/1600th can sometime not be enough), the second looks like it might be a slight miss, and the third looks a bit like heat diffraction. Still, off to a good start.
Thanks Steve be. back at the marsh this weekend and up the Shutter speed. Where do you see the camera settings?
X2 what Steve said but I would also say dial in some negative Exposure Compensation Or bring the exposure down depending on how your shooting (aperture, manual) Believe it or not you have the hardest part down getting BIF . What lens were you using??
For these shots I think the 500 pf. I will also try to EC as well. they are shot in Raw so when I get better at pp I could bring out the detail in the white, thanks for commenting