End of the tale . . .er . . . tail

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The Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve is about 50 kms from where we stay. It used to be a breeding centre of endangered species like Siberian Tigers, white lions, tigers, black leopards etc.
Situated both sides of a rural road, the one part is the reserve and the other large camps where the some animals are kept. There is only a mesh fence between the enclosures and the road, so one can see right into it and so I noticed these lion cubs walking and playing. You just had to stop next to the road, get out, and try to shoot thorough the wire fence, electric fence and bush .
This one is a long time favourite image on my grand daughter'e T-shits
Caught these two coming over a sand mount behind mom - long ago, jepg:mad: files.
D300; 200-400 F/4; F/8; 1/320; ISO 200

00665 16X 11,5W D300 2276.jpg
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