Endangered Species : threats from Twitchers & Photographers

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Harsher penalties are overdue.

In the case of the Capercaillie in Scotland, it should be feasible to build a suitable discreet hide, which the conservation authority manages. Restricted lottery system for which many will pay a high fee, if they win a ticket. The funds raised can help support the management of the protected area

Harsher penalties are overdue.

In the case of the Capercaillie in Scotland, it should be feasible to build a suitable discreet hide, which the conservation authority manages. Restricted lottery system for which many will pay a high fee, if they win a ticket. The funds raised can help support the management of the protected area

Seems like the harshest penalty would be that people "in the know" would no longer share information with you about rare sightings. Anybody with any sense is holding back sensitive information until the bird departs. Ebird will still be there six months from now... and Instagram doesn't actually GAF if the bird is rare, it can be perfectly ordinary (like Osprey) as long as it's cool & well photographed.

These people rushing to social media have no idea of birds they've missed out on because they can't be trusted.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer proposed that stupidity is a social psychological disorder. Being a social disease it follows that it is socially transmitted. However it is transmitted by communication rather than physical contact as are physical diseases. It follows that with instantaneous, worldwide communication via social media, stupidity has become a pandemic of epic proportions. I wonder at what Dietrich would have had to say in our day and age.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer proposed that stupidity is a social psychological disorder. Being a social disease it follows that it is socially transmitted. However it is transmitted by communication rather than physical contact as are physical diseases. It follows that with instantaneous, worldwide communication via social media, stupidity has become a pandemic of epic proportions. I wonder at what Dietrich would have had to say in our day and age.
I believe he'd have said "See? I told you!"