Eurasian Jay Enjoying A Peanut On A Fence.

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This is taken in the backyard where I love looking at these jays enjoying the peanuts.

Nikon D4 and Nikon AF-S 600mm f/4.0 G ED VR
20062020--Pim Nauta-20472.jpg
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Pretty bird. Nice shot, great colours, great focus and very nice depth of field with a creamy background. Just curious, what f stop did you use?
Thank you very much for your kind words.
I’ll have to check this for you when I get back home from work.
I’ll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
I’ll have to check this for you when I get back home from work.
I’ll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
I looked up my settings:
Nikon D4
Nikon AF-S 600mm f/4.0 VR
Shutter Speed 1/2500 sec
ISO 800
Aperture f/5.0

I hope it helps you.
The background is a brick wall (someones shed) and it’s less than 2 m behind the eurasian jay. Between the wall and my fence is a path to other houses.
I stood in my living room with the doors open As I took this shot and many more of this beautiful bird.
I looked up my settings:
Nikon D4
Nikon AF-S 600mm f/4.0 VR
Shutter Speed 1/2500 sec
ISO 800
Aperture f/5.0

I hope it helps you.
The background is a brick wall (someones shed) and it’s less than 2 m behind the eurasian jay. Between the wall and my fence is a path to other houses.
I stood in my living room with the doors open As I took this shot and many more of this beautiful bird.

Thanks pimnauta. Nice to know that you can get the creamy background with a higher F stop than 4. I do love the photo!
Thanks pimnauta. Nice to know that you can get the creamy background with a higher F stop than 4. I do love the photo!
Again, thank you for liking my photo!
Remember the distance between you (Camera) and your subject or between the subject and background also Determines how soft your background is going to be .
It’s not only the f/ number you choose but also the distance to and from your subject.
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