European bee-eaters 2024 edition

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Yaay, my favorite birds are back from Africa :D.

All shot with a Nikon D7200, Nikkor 300mm f4D AF-S and the 1.4x TC.

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Thank you all for your kind words!

Please send them back, I didn't get a shot at them this year.
Beautiful shots!

Come and get them :p Since they are here to nest, you'll get some interesting behavior shots that you might not otherwise!

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Thank you all!

Stephan, where would one go to find these? Your photos are superb.

As the name says, these are the European bee-eaters. So you'll find them all over Africa, Asia but right now they are in Europe it's their breeding season and they migrate over here for that.

In Europe, you should look for areas with clay hills/cliffs near places where there are plenty of insects.
And some potraits shot with the OM-1 and 300mm f4 and 1.4tc @f8:

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Now all I need to do is wait for the mating season to begin and oh the fun it will be :D
Thank you for the praise :D.

Some shots with them in flight, using the OM-1 and 300mm f4:

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