European otter on the hunt for breakfast.

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This series of shots showcases what has probably been the best wildlife experience I’ve had in the field to date. After hours of looking for otters in the most miserable conditions imaginable (cold, heavy wind and constant pouring rain), this individual popped up doing its fishing/hunting routine at a reasonable distance from the shoreline. The main objective was to not scare it off so I picked a random spot further along the shoreline (somewhat concealed between some rocks), hoping it would come ashore with a catch within a somewhat reasonable distance.

What happened next was way beyond my expectations to say the least. Not only did the otter come ashore, it did so right in front of me and came to within a couple of meters (the 2nd photo is uncropped other than changing the aspect ratio). It went about its business for a minute or two and then disappeared into the water again, leaving me with an amazing experience and smiling from ear to ear.

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