EV with Auto ISO

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Shooting in low light with D500 and 500mm F5.6 PH in manual mode, Auto ISO with max at 8000. Tried increase exposure by increasing EV but see no difference. Is it because of the max ISO set to 8000?
Shooting in low light with D500 and 500mm F5.6 PH in manual mode, Auto ISO with max at 8000. Tried increase exposure by increasing EV but see no difference. Is it because of the max ISO set to 8000?
Not sure I fully understand your question, but yes if the light conditions have forced your ISO to the maximum value set in your menu then the camera will not allow a higher ISO while in Auto ISO mode. IOW, if you've hit the max ISO then adding positive exposure compensation will not raise the ISO any higher.
Yup, what DR said. When you're in M + Auto ISO mode, the only thing the camera controls is ISO. So, EV has to come from there. If you're maxed out at ISO 8000 and then tell the camera you need another stop in EV, the camera would have to use ISO 16,000 - however - it can't because it can't go past ISO 8000. We run into this all the time in Costa Rica :)