Evening Grosbeak

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Andrew Lamberson

Well-known member
Another inhabitant of Minnesota's boreal forests is the Evening Grosbeak. Always present in the Sax-Sim bog area in small flocks, there was an "interruption" of thousands of birds coming south to the bog from the Canadian boreal forests that just started a few weeks ago. They travel in very large flocks of males and females and were just about everywhere in the bog that had black spruce which inhabit the bog areas vs. dry soils.
Evening Grosbeak side shot bcf-.jpg
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Evening Grosbeak back shot-.jpg
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Another inhabitant of Minnesota's boreal forests is the Evening Grosbeak. Always present in the Sax-Sim bog area in small flocks, there was an "interruption" of thousands of birds coming south to the bog from the Canadian boreal forests that just started a few weeks ago. They travel in very large flocks of males and females and were just about everywhere in the bog that had black spruce which inhabit the bog areas vs. dry soils.
View attachment 56496

View attachment 56497
I love the unusal feather pattern, almost like a painting.
