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Hi y'all

The allure of the Bisti wildland isn't just in its vast, untouched expanses. It's the whisper it spreads—through layers of rock, murmuring tales of epochs long gone to those with ears keen enough to listen.

On my way to the fabled dinosaur egg hatchery, I chanced upon nature's precariously perched masterpiece. This slender shard of shale, balanced on a narrow mud base about 5 feet tall, looked like it was playing a game of "Will I, Won't I" with gravity.

Getting down low, I found myself gazing upon a scene straight out of prehistory. The sharp end of this shale looked suspiciously like an ichthyosaur or maybe even an excaliborsaurus. Try saying those names three times fast—or even once without a hiccup.

As I steadied myself, taking a deep breath to capture the scene (and praying I wouldn't topple the rock with a sneeze), dark storm clouds started to assemble in the east. A moody backdrop for my already drama-loving rock.

In moments like these, it hits you. Nature, with its eons of time, hasn't forgotten its past. It's left behind breadcrumbs, clues, and in my case, a seemingly teetering rock.

@Bisti De Na Zin


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