Experience with a hard day shooting with the Z 8

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I just finished shoot a long day with mostly the Z 8 and very little bit with the Z 9 for comparison.

Z 8 + 100-400 hand held, mostly 10 FPS in short bursts. VR set mostly to Sport, but did change in to ON about 2/3rd of the way through the shot. Very little image review and only a few menu checks, adjustments. Mostly in Wide Area - Small (guessing 2/3rd the time) and 3D the other 1/3rd of the time. Subject was wildlife at Minnesota Wildlife, a game farm.

Just under 6,400 images on 81% of a battery !!! Switched batteries when the indicator went red.

Shooting with the Z 8 was a joy, nicer than with my Z 9 hand held except when I turned the camera to portrait mode. Bending my hand over the camera to press the shutter button was awkward

If would be nice if the Z 8 has vertical shutter button plus two other smaller buttons in the lower right corner of the camera (looking from the back). Just minimal controls but that would immensely help when shooting in portrait mode