Extension Tubes on Nikon 300mmPF

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Has anyone used extension tubes successfully on the 300mm PF? I have a 105mm macro which I know would be better but I am trying to reduce my overall weight for a forthcoming trip. I am taking the 300mm pf anyway so was wondering if it was a worthwhile option. It may also help with the extra reach for the more skittish critters and the ones you don't want to get close to!
Thanks Jon
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You should also take into consideration the 1.4x and 1.7x TCs.

If my back of the napkin math is correct, the 1.4x should get you about as much magnification as 30mm worth of extension tubes and the 1.7x as about 50mm.

Personally I've never been a big fan of extension tubes on long telephotos as by the time you stack enough of them to get a meaningful increase in magnification you are likely facing image quality loss, poor AF and issues with electrical connection between lens and camera.
Yes I have the TC1.4 III which I use to good effect. Will be taking that.


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I have used both extensively.
Tubes and TC some times both together.

I also loved my TC 2.0 together with the 200-500 for closeup like butterflies.
But TC always costs light and then F4 becomes F5.6, F6.8 or F8 depending on the TC (1.4 or 1.7 or 2.0).
And you should definitely stop down so you're at least at F6.3 - F11
This still works well in the midday sun, but outside of this it is not a solution.

I take a TC with me when I'm expecting something special, but the tubes are always in my backpack.
They are super light and almost indestructible as there is nothing inside.

And the questioner is interested in reducing weight and size in a targeted manner and not taking even more with him ;)
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Has anyone used extension tubes successfully on the 300mm PF? I have a 105mm macro which I know would be better but I am trying to reduce my overall weight for a forthcoming trip. I am taking the 300mm pf anyway so was wondering if it was a worthwhile option. It may also help with the extra reach for the more skittish critters and the ones you don't want to get close to!
Thanks Jon
Yup, I use the 300mm PF a lot for small but not quite 1:1 macro subjects and often use a 36mm extension tube a 1.4x TC or sometimes both to get a bit closer for smaller subjects. The 300mm PF works great with those setups. It's my go-to choice for subjects like: butterflies, amphibians, reptiles, lizards, larger spiders, even larger flying bumblebees and flower closeups. But for really small subjects where true 1:1 macro or beyond are called for I'll go with an actual macro lens.
I like using extension tubes and teleconverters with the 300mm lens. I use extension tubes when I need to get closer to the subject and it is not skittish. Extension tubes change minimum focus distance but have no added glass. I use the 1.4 TC when I need more magnification or the same magnification from further away - such as with a skittish or dangerous subject. Both approaches have an impact on DOF, and DOF can be extremely shallow as you increase magnification - but that can give you better backgrounds.
Yup, I use the 300mm PF a lot for small but not quite 1:1 macro subjects and often use a 36mm extension tube a 1.4x TC or sometimes both to get a bit closer for smaller subjects. The 300mm PF works great with those setups. It's my go-to choice for subjects like: butterflies, amphibians, reptiles, lizards, larger spiders, even larger flying bumblebees and flower closeups. But for really small subjects where true 1:1 macro or beyond are called for I'll go with an actual macro lens.
It will be mostly those type of subjects in Costa Rica I will be photographing.
I use extension tubes on my Nikon 300mm f4 pf all the time. In Costa Rica I left my macro lenses at home and used the 300mm f4 for frogs, dragon flies, etc. I usually used one of the Kenko o AF ex tubes for Nikon F mount, the middle sized one or the largest one. Camera were my D810.


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I used Kenko tubes on my 300mm f4 pf in Costs Rica with no problems. It allowed me to leave my macro lenses at home. Camera was a D810. Two images are attached.
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You might consider a Canon 500D diopter. I've used it very successfully with a 300/4 AFS and 70-200VRII...w/ & w/out tc's. Great quality and no loss of light or reduction in AF speed. You just can't focus to infinity.