Fall colors along Shoal Creek

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It was a beautiful day on the creek. And yes, this is the real sky as shot, not added in Photoshop :)!

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Greg, very nice landscape, but them fake-coloured trees . . . :sneaky:
Unbelievable the colours your trees generate, most of our deciduous just blah brown and then drop murky leaves. Yours are artists and paint the earth in colours fair and wonderful!
Greg, very nice landscape, but them fake-coloured trees . . . :sneaky:
Unbelievable the colours your trees generate, most of our deciduous just blah brown and then drop murky leaves. Yours are artists and paint the earth in colours fair and wonderful!
Calllie, I did help bring out the brightness of the colors in this shot but did not put any color there that was not there. Our area is not at peak color yet but soon will be. When we peak, they do not need any help, they glow magnificent colors all on their own. A fantastic time of year!