Fall in Colorado (RMNP)

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Here's a little sampling from last week up in RMNP. Just a gorgeous time of year to see a little wildlife.

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Very nice set. I have only been to the park once, but it was before I got into photography. Are these roadside from the vehicle? I remember seeing quite a few Elk and deer while driving around, no Moose though.
We are fortunate and live close to the park so we are able to visit quite often. Not shot from the vehicle, we normally park near Moraine and then walk around and try and seek out the larger bull elks.
Very nice shots. We were there last month and had some good opportunities for (mostly) elk and a few moose.
I like your backgrounds; a lot of mine were cluttered up with some snow fencing and that was where all the interesting behaviors were going on.
Big male was checking out his harem. Did get a Pika, finally up near the top of the pass.