Feedback on Auto Capture

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I've been playing around with Auto Capture on both my Z8 and Z9 for the last few days and getting mixed results. I've watched a couple of set-up guides on You Tube (including Steve's), but I'm still not getting the best results with my subjects (birds) being in focus. My ultimate goal would be to use it for shorebird photography so I'm practicing in my backyard for now, using it around my birdbaths and a bluebird nestbox. Some of the birds are sharp and in focus, especially when they're sitting still, but the flight shots, as they arrive and leave the birdbath/box, are pretty blurry. I've used shutter speeds up to 1/3200. I've tried various AFC settings, all with bird detect, as well as Subject Detection, Motion, and a combination of both, with mixed results. I'm just wondering if anyone has dialed in on a winning combo with Auto Capture, or what your impressions are overall. Thanks.
I've been playing around with Auto Capture on both my Z8 and Z9 for the last few days and getting mixed results. I've watched a couple of set-up guides on You Tube (including Steve's), but I'm still not getting the best results with my subjects (birds) being in focus. My ultimate goal would be to use it for shorebird photography so I'm practicing in my backyard for now, using it around my birdbaths and a bluebird nestbox. Some of the birds are sharp and in focus, especially when they're sitting still, but the flight shots, as they arrive and leave the birdbath/box, are pretty blurry. I've used shutter speeds up to 1/3200. I've tried various AFC settings, all with bird detect, as well as Subject Detection, Motion, and a combination of both, with mixed results. I'm just wondering if anyone has dialed in on a winning combo with Auto Capture, or what your impressions are overall. Thanks.
No comments on this thread makes me wonder how many people have tried the Auto Capture feature. Yes? No?
Tried it once and it worked for me for birds walking on the ground.

Not tried it with in flight shots, I wonder if the a3 settings has an impact for stills and g6 / g7 for video?

If you haven't already I would check out Ricci's videos on YouTube on Auto Capture.

Also worth checking if the lens focus limiter button helps.
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Tried it once and it worked for me for birds walking on the ground.

Not tried it with in flight shots, I wonder if the a3 settings has an impact for stills and g6 / g7 for video?

If you haven't already I would check out Ricci's videos on YouTube on Auto Capture.

Also worth checking if the lens focus limiter button helps.

Good reply. Still so many hoops to jump and very likely ending with disappointment. I'm passing on that, for now.