Female cardinal

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I normally wouldn't post an image with this amount of distractions. There is just something about the lighting at sunrise along with sky and snow in the background that I like about it. So the question is ya or na?
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I'd have to say nay. The light is awesome, but I'm not a fan of the cluttered twigs and large vertical stick in the background to the left of the bird, not to mention the smaller stick right behind its beak. I think it'd be better if the vertical sticks weren't, and the twigs were more out of focus. Just my opinion though!
I'd have to say nay. The light is awesome, but I'm not a fan of the cluttered twigs and large vertical stick in the background to the left of the bird, not to mention the smaller stick right behind its beak. I think it'd be better if the vertical sticks weren't, and the twigs were more out of focus. Just my opinion though!
Thank you and that was pretty much my thoughts but really did like the lighting and colors. Too bad it wasn’t a little cleaner.
It's a 'ya' from me. Purely (and beautifully) environmental, not distracting. And I quite like, a lot, the strings of seeds. 'Maybe' eliminate that white highlight, upper right which is an uninteresting 'distraction' as minor a distraction as it is.
It's a 'ya' from me. Purely (and beautifully) environmental, not distracting. And I quite like, a lot, the strings of seeds. 'Maybe' eliminate that white highlight, upper right which is an uninteresting 'distraction' as minor a distraction as it is.
Thank you
A great example of a bird within its environment. The detail on that shot is astounding ! I think my fishing boat needs to go to finance the Sony 600!!
Thank you. I just thought the lighting along with the snow in the background just made the cardinal pop. The lens is absolutely incredible and it’s really not that heavy even for me. You can easily use a monopod or even a small tripod with it and be just fine. I normally try to stay out of recommending a product for someone in case they don’t like it, but I would be astonished if you didn’t like it even if you crop way in the level of detail is still incredible. The only problem I have with it at times is it is almost too sharp lol. I apply very minimal sharpening in Lightroom anymore usually between 6-10 and even with that at times it’s too sharp.
Great image!!
Have you tried a vignette? Not a round one but oval along the Brunch where the bird is. On the right side you need to take a vignette away because there is light coming an perhaps where the bird is looking. In any case just try a vignette. It will draw attention away from the brunches, you don't need to put hem away
Great image!!
Have you tried a vignette? Not a round one but oval along the Brunch where the bird is. On the right side you need to take a vignette away because there is light coming a perhaps where the bird is looking. In any case just try a vignette. It will draw attention away from the brunches, you don't need to put hem away
Thank you and good idea