Fences - Colorful Creeper

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Second in my Fences in Fall series - my first intentional Project (after all these years haha). Lots of pop in this one. The intense fall colors last year were insane!

As usual, click on over to Flickr for high res, and my chosen crop, and more info, including the parameters of the Fences project


Great composition. I love the shallow depth of field and what appears to be a slightly offset vignette. Nice work!
Thank you Ben! I do often use tools to start the vignetting process - here Lumenzia (also for dodge and burn), but almost always I do a custom vignette by hand using various techniques in ACR.

I obviously like fairly heavy vignettes, and I know some would likely think this is too much (and it is when if viewed as a smaller image as it is for this preview - you have to go full screen 24" at least to see the effect I was going for [or just get really close to the screen! haha]). Vignetting is a key part of almost all fine art - well at least the works I like ;)

If you click over to Flickr, I detail the parameters of the project (I think posted some of that on my first posting of the project here on BCG), which includes using the Z 40mm f/2 muffin lens (on my walkaround Z6ii), which I was surprised to find that I quite like. A good part of that is the f/2 bokeh, which is usually fairly nice - not too busy - especially for more distant backgrounds.

