Final moments gull eating sea star, slowmo

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Just getting into the video thing and stumbled across this gull who was eating a seastar. Nothing special, no good sound so added in music. Added a still at the front to give a little better show of the sea star. Also, video was edited into vertical format to post as a reel on social media.

Just getting into the video thing and stumbled across this gull who was eating a seastar. Nothing special, no good sound so added in music. Added a still at the front to give a little better show of the sea star. Also, video was edited into vertical format to post as a reel on social media.

I know the gulls are omnivours birds, but never have I seen it eating a sea star ! Thanks for sharing.

I know the gulls are omnivours birds, but never have I seen it eating a sea star ! Thanks for sharing.

They do it quite frequently and it is always a spectacle to watch, like this guy took probably 20 minutes to eat it. I imagine they are probably pretty vulnerable during that time frame as well, as I am not sure they can fly too well with a mouthful of sea star :)