Finally Spotted this Bald Eagle

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I have visited a local lake many times for wildlife photography, generally birds. I have a friend that also visits there and has shared many shots of a Bald Eagle, but in all my visits I had never see him/them. Finally, today I saw him over the lake. He and a turkey vulture were circling in a bit of an odd manner when they gradually flew off in different directions. Lucky for me, the eagle came my way. This is a heavy crop as he was getting fairly high and was over the middle of the lake. After this shot, he turned his head to the right and watched the vulture until it was out of sight (at least for me). At least now I know he is real. Not my first Bald Eagle but the first spotted at this lake.

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Funny, you work for years to get a shot of a species, and then, thereafter, you get them all the time - sometimes - so I hope your luck is now on the up! :LOL:
Funny, you work for years to get a shot of a species, and then, thereafter, you get them all the time - sometimes - so I hope your luck is now on the up! :LOL:
Yes, that is true! I have many bald eagles "in my bag", but this is the first spotted at this particular location. Nevertheless, good image or poor, I am always excited to find one!
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