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Well-known member
and BOY is there a lot of learning to do! Got one user bank set up with a "recall shooting function" button to change focus mode... seriously impressed with the camera (less so with the operator - there were a LOT of missed shots and I blame me!) The local black headed gulls were being willing subjects, and I happened across a black neck grebe in breeding plumage :) - really cropped in on that, and am very impressed with the detail resolved!

A question - I only have the Mk2 1.4TC - will this work as well as the Mk3 - does anybody know? (yes, I know I could try it... but baby steps!)
These all taken with the 500PF.

black headed gulls.jpg
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black headed gulls-2.jpg
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black necked grebe.jpg
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I don`t own any of the Gear you`re talking about however, I have read on other sites and this one that there is no difference whatsoever when using the Mk2 1.4TC over the Mk3 1.4TC .. It appears the Z cameras are excellent with both versions of the 1.4TC and especially so with the Z9 .. ENJOY your new toy

I don`t own any of the Gear you`re talking about however, I have read on other sites and this one that there is no difference whatsoever when using the Mk2 1.4TC over the Mk3 1.4TC .. It appears the Z cameras are excellent with both versions of the 1.4TC and especially so with the Z9 .. ENJOY your new toy

thanks Harry - that's very helpful! and I'm going to give it my best shot!!