Fish Foraging Fiasco……

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Larry S.

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I noticed an osprey struggling to get airborne with a fish without success. His/her catch, from what I could see, looked enormous and much larger than the menhaden and shad they usually catch. The osprey eventually gave up, released the fish and flew away. Eagles that live on our creek are notorious fish thieves and will try to steal an osprey’s catch when they can. One such eagle was watching the struggle and flew in to snatch the big fish when the osprey gave up… Seems the fish wasn’t ready to quit either…😲 The eagle’s attempt to subdue and extract the fish failed miserably and he too flew off in frustration…
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Thanks Dan! This occurred yesterday, July 6th. I was actually sitting in our living room and noticed a big commotion on the creek behind our house. I picked up the camera and went out on the deck to get these shots. I’m sure I miss a lot of drama when I’m not paying attention… Likely happens to all of us..