Flamenco Flamingos--Part 3 "parting shots"

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All Flamingos, including these Greater Flamingos of Las Salinas on the Costa Blanca in Spain, are gregarious but with some territorial social behaviour.

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Here 3 Flamingos are "bill fencing" showing quite aggressive behaviour--note the scapular white feathers on their shoulders are raised as part of the confrontational display !

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These same 3 birds have settled their differences and are now, quite literally, seeing eye to eye.

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The upper and lower bill is angled down and just below the nostril. The upper part is thin and flat and functions like a lid to the lower mandible which in turn is large and trough-or keel- shaped.
Note the tooth like ridges on the outside of the bill which help filter food from the water.

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Flamingos usually sleep on one leg, but as this photo shows the posture is confusing as it looks as if the second leg is supportive as well--however the main bulk of this 2nd leg has been held horizontally allowing the foot to dangle in the water. The head is supported on the bird's back to give the long neck muscles a well earned rest. In summer months the birds mostly sleep during the day and feed overnight.

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Their social interaction involves a lot of calling, which is a goose-like honking made by a unique vocal organ called the syrinx located at the base of the trachea. Overall, the Flamingo is an elegant and highly evolved bird well adapted to its niche environment of salt and soda lakes around the world.