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Four fledgling Cooper's hawks have been providing me with lots of opportunities this week, and are just so fun to watch!
FLP cooper 07.12.2023-10.jpg
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One of the parents dropped the headless bird for the young Cooper to catch, it followed it from a great height trying to catch up, but I lost track when it went behind some trees so I'm unsure which of the four got it.
FLP cooper 07.12.2023-2.jpg
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This is the moment just after the adult dropped the bird and the fledgling began the chase.
FLP cooper 07.11.2023-6.jpg
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A pair of the fledgling play fight, great learning opportunities abound for the young birds through play.
FLP cooper 07.11.2023-12.jpg
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And the chase is on.
FLP cooper 07.11.2023-15.jpg
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FLP cooper 07.11.2023-18.jpg
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FLP cooper 07.12.2023-13.jpg
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Sometimes the parents drop the food off, sometimes they wait for the kids to arrive.
FLP cooper 07.12.2023-16.jpg
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