Focus Peaking & Depth of Field v. Bokeh

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Larry S.

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I came across this interesting pair of mushrooms yesterday in a pine woodlot. One was growing up under the skirt of a larger one. Using a 200mm f/4D micro on the Z8/FTZii at ground level was the only way to present this oddity. The focus peaking worked great. I also improvised a camera rest with my shoe (stop laughing, it worked!)…. the “shoe-pod”😒

I wanted to see depth of field differences and how bokeh changed with selected “f-stops” . These are reduced resolution images……
First f/11: Sharp but the bokeh is small as expected and has flat edges which may be distracting.
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Next f/8: Not quite as sharp as f/11 but bokeh improving; little larger and more rounded
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Last f/5.6: Depth of field becoming obvious. Forward portion of mushroom not sharp but bokeh much better.
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Here’s the hi-tech “shoe-pod”
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