Focus stacked Chokecherry and Pagoda Dogwood buds

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Bill M

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Experimenting with manual focus stacking on emerging tree buds. There was some on an off breeze so stabilized branch with clamps before shooting. Chokecherry is first shot
2021-04-17 09-44-56 (B,Radius8,Smoothing10).jpg
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2021-04-16 17-43-25 (B,Radius8,Smoothing10).jpg
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D7500 and Tamron 90mm macro lens. Also a Litra Cube light. Plamp plus tripod. Tripod set up with focusing rail. Helicon Focus software.
I set up the focusing rail on my sturdiest tripod. Then I set up a different tripod to attach the Plamp to and secure the branch with the bud I am going to capture. Maneuver everything around to the final composition. I shoot several shots using the litra light at different angles until I find the exposure I like best. I shoot in manual using live view. I believe the first phot was about 14 shots and the second was about 22. If you want to improve your focus stacking, Steve's video course was very helpful to me.
Very well done, the “old-fashioned way”. Until getting my Z6, I too did manual focus on a slected number of points and stacked in Photoshop. These show your effort to get the best shots.
JAS Thanks for you compliments. I rather enjoy focus stacking the old fashioned way. However, the concept of owning a Z camera with focus shifting is very appealing to me. But not so much to my 'purchasing agent' yet.