Frame rate ambiguity in Z9 FW 5.0

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I had an avoidable mishap with Frame Rate settings yesterday. The Z9 firmware 5.0 added a 15 frame setting to the pre-capture capability.

The new C15 is the next click over on the rear command dial from 15 frame setting on regular High Speed advance. See image below.

The issue is that C15, like all the precapture rates, does not record a raw/NEF file, only JPG.

Once the release mode button on the left button cluster is released, the release mode icon in the viewfinder is the same, whether the camera is in High Speed or Pre-capture, showing the
three frames with 15 next to them as in the photo.

Must have rolled the rear command dial, not the front one, and moved to C15.

I did not notice that the image quality icon changed from RAW to NORM, but got home with several bursts of very nice JPG files that I thought were going to be NEFs.

I think I will set the Frame Rate to 20 to avoid any ambiguity about which mode is in use, as 20 fps isn't an option in the Pre-capture mode.

Just saw that a user over on Nikonians had the same thing happen.

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