Frog Photos, a Few from Costa Rica (that aren't poison dart frogs!)

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My wife and I make frequent trips to Costa Rica. One recent trip was dedicated to taking close ups and macro images. Thus, all of the photos shown here are set ups. The frog shown were taken from where they were found, placed on a perch of our choosing, sometimes with two flashes around the perch, photos taken, and then the frog was returned its original location. The first image shows a Masked Tree Frog looking over the center of a larger leaf. The second image shows a Coronated Tree frog, so named because the protuberances on the top of its head, well seen here, as supposed to look like a crown. The most commonly photographed amphibian in Costa Rica, the Red-eyed Tree Frog, is seen in the third image. These frogs have an interesting nictitating membrane, the pattern on which allows to frog to look through the membrane, but hided the large red eyes well. The last image shows a well named Splendid Leaf Frog on the move.
Image 1: Nikon Z9, Nikon Z Macro 105mm f/2.8 VR S, 1/125 second @ f/14, ISO 1600, flash.
Image 2: Nikon Z9, Nikon Z Macro 105mm f/2.8 VR S, 1/200 second @ f/16, ISO 1250, flash.
Image 3: Nikon Z9, Nikon Z Macro 105mm f/2.8 VR S, 1/125 second @ f/14, ISO 1600, flash.
Image 4: Nikon Z9, Nikon Z Macro 105mm f/2.8 VR S, 1/125 second @ f/13, ISO 1600, flash.
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