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Robert S

Well-known member
Frogmouth 2 01 01 25--DeNoiseAI-standard resize.jpg
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Frogmouth 01 01 25--DeNoiseAI-standard resize.jpg
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Thanks for the comments. The photo is a bit dark. Unfortunately the light was not the best. There were two birds in the neighbour's tree. I guess the birds were checking out roosting sites. It was in the afternoon and they were awake. Not been back since.
Years ago Frogmouths roosted in the avocado tree next to the granny flat. Then it rained a lot and that tree got lots of leaves. Frogmouths left. They did roost for a while in the bottom paddock but no longer do so.
They do look a bit odd, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm not a Frogmouth. I don't think either Frogmouth would find Eva Green attractive. Now that I'm entering the realm of senility I find my interest in Eva is but a distant memory. I still photograph birds but have taken an interest in listening to short wave radio. Hope to get my radio HAM licence somtime this year. I can sit at my desk and pretend I'm somewhere else. SW radio is only slightly less expensive than camera gear; however I do have the approval [permision] of my children.