From Hot Dry Deserts to Sub Zero Antarctic Snow and Blue Ice

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Paul T

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A Small ice berg with blue ice and swiss cheese like 'holes'.

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An amazing sight. The electric blue of the ice capped with the white snow is simply a stunning vision.

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For the Ozzies can you spot the ice map of Australia including Tasmania?

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Another 'Berg'. This one with a bird hitching a ride.

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An ice flow that looks a little like a very low level path (side walk) that could be walked over to reach land.
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Fantastic... where were these taken? Loving that 2nd one!
Thanks Gordon. Taken at various locations around the Antarctic Peninsula. I cannot be too specific as I didn't note the location of each shot. Needless to say it is a trip well worth while doing if you ever have the opportunity.
Great shots. A trip that has been on my list for a long time, sadly it never eventuated during my working life. It still might if I get lucky. Yep, picked up on the map, but I do detect it may have had a little Aussie intervention in its creation and Papua New Guinea is a bit too far to the east. :):)
Lovely set of pictures,Paul,
On my bucket list ,but out of reach at the moment with our local exchange rate :mad:,
It certainly isn’t a cheap trip Gavin. It took me a number of years of saving my ‘pennies’ to pay for my trip. Well worth it though.
Great shots. A trip that has been on my list for a long time, sadly it never eventuated during my working life. It still might if I get lucky. Yep, picked up on the map, but I do detect it may have had a little Aussie intervention in its creation and Papua New Guinea is a bit too far to the east. :):)
It was a trip I did in retirement Peter. Just before Covid struck the world. A brand new ship made it even more enjoyable.